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Strathkalashnikows GM App

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Strathkalashnikows GM App Empty Strathkalashnikows GM App

Post  StrathKalashnikow Fri May 18, 2012 11:17 am

1. Full Name and In-game Name:
Kevin Bakers Strathi
2. Please supply us with a way to contact you outside of the game:I found this server on Gtop100

3. What time zone do you live in? If possible, please give your location. (state/province)GMT+1 Berlin

4. Age : 14

5. Why do you want to be a GM? Because I want to help support the server and answers question that is asked.

6. If you were NOT accepted, what would you do?
I would stay in this server and play it.

7. What is your level of familiarity with MapleStory private servers? In other words, if you are chosen, would you need a lot of help and guidance?
I know most of it but when is about a alliance I would need help.

8. What makes you unique from other players? Why should we choose you over everyone else? I don't say im unique i'm like the other players and GMs that helps people in need.

9. What kind of personality do you think a GM should have? Fun? Strict? Do you think you have those traits? I had those traits and I think the GM must have fun also strict personalities.

10. How long have you been playing on this server? Are you familiar with everything yet? I played this server since yesterday i know the npcs and how they work.

11. Please provide anything that you want us to know that wasn't already asked (I wouldn't recommend leaving this blank)
Your Strath-san

Last edited by StrathKalashnikow on Fri May 18, 2012 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Strathkalashnikows GM App Empty Re: Strathkalashnikows GM App

Post  Zinz Fri May 18, 2012 11:20 am

Edited your grammar... Not much as I am also bad in grammars lol...

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Strathkalashnikows GM App Empty Re: Strathkalashnikows GM App

Post  StrathKalashnikow Fri May 18, 2012 11:39 am

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